VASSAL Spring Tournament – Rules Update

Heavy Stormtrooper painted and photographed by Matthew of
The start of the tournament is right around the corner and you can only register for 4 days (until the 28th of February) to participate. To do so, you must be from Europe and send an email to with your name, an link of your army list and your VASSAL nickname. More information about the tournament can be read here: VASSAL Spring Tournament News
Additions and Changes to the Official Tournament Rules
- Unless otherwise specified, the official FFG Imperial Assault Tournament Rules apply
- There will be no 55 minute mission time limit. Missions continue until one player has scored 40 Victory Points.
- The winner must send in via email to either a screenshot of the VASSAL window with the final score visible or send in a VASSAL log file of the game.
- The tournament will have a round robin group stage. The first 1 or 2 players (depnding on player attendance) will advance into the final elimination round.
- Players need to join our discord server at to make scheduling games with their opponents easier.
- The weekly mission will be sent out via Email to all participants and also communicated on Discord
- Players can change their faction, the army and their command deck once after the group stage ended.
- After the group stage has ended, the mission deck will be re-shuffled, so all missions are available for the elimination stage.
- Opponents need to play their weekly game and submit their score until sunday 10 pm CET of that week.
Since this is more of an informal Tournament, you can ask me (Stephan) on Discord or via mail for clarifications.
Podcast #22 – Learn on the Fly
- FFG Article – Order Spring 2016 Tournament Kits
- Wave5 Ally/Villain Pack reviews complete now
- Return to Hoth Hero – Loku Kanoloa
- Return to Hoth Hero – Loku Kanoloa Skills
- Return to Hoth early camapaign experiences
- Store Championship Leiden
- Store Championship Cologne
- VASSAL Spring Tournament clarification:
- 1 game per week
- reporting via screenshots or logs
- players can re-tool their army before the playoffs
- Rules clarification: Verena Talos’ Close Quarters timing
- Rules clarification: Verena Talos’ Combat Momentum timing
- Rules clarification: Urgency command card and when to spend movement points
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Buyers Guide Up to Date!

Snowtroopers painted and photographed by Matthew of
Return to Hoth cam with 4 associated Ally and Villain packs. That’s the largest batch we had since the Core Set! All of them of course play their role in the story campaign of Return to Hot, but they also bring new stuff to the table for the Skirmish side of the game. Especially Leia Organa and the Echo Base Troopers turn out to be valuable additions all around.
But enough teasing, go have a look for yourself at our complete Ally & Villain Packs Buyers Guide at
VASSAL Spring Tournament
So for people who do not listen to the podcast and still want to get into that sweet skirmish action and maybe even win some prizes, here is a rundown on what you need to do to be able to sign up.
- Min players 8 – Max player 32
- 1st place: Return to Hoth expansion – 2nd place: Wave 5 (Return to Hoth Wave) Ally Pack, player’s choice
- Players have to be from Europe (excluding Iceland, Russia and Turkey)
- To sign up, send an email to with:
- Your army list as an link
- Your fully name
- Your VASSAL nickname
- If you enter the playoffs you will also need to provide your adress
- Send your email until the 28th of February to sign up!
- All material up to and including Return to Hoth allowed
- Maps are taken from the current tournament rules (Kuat Space Station, Mos Eisley Cantina, Training Grounds)
- Check out how to set up Vassal here.
- Join our Discord server to find other players:
Obviously the tournament will be played online via the Imperial Assault plugin for VASSAL.
Happy hunting season!
Podcast #21 – Gideon MVP
- FFG Article – Preparing for 2016
- FFG Article – 2016 Organized Play
- VASSAL Skirmish plugin updated for Return to Hoth and Wave 4
- Leia Ally Pack review
- Return to Hoth Imperial Class – Armored Onslaught
- Online Campaign Mission 9
- Return to Hoth early Campaign experiences
- Return to Hoth 4 player Skirmish
- Vienna tournament 1 @ Siren Games
- Vienna tournament 2 @ WoW Keepers
- Amsterdam tournament impressions
- VASSAL Spring Skirmish Tournament!
- Join us on discord:
- Rules clarification: Core Box mission Incoming and bombardment
- Rules clarification: Arc Blasters and already being focused
- Rules clarification: HK Droids and Targeting Computer Skirmish Upgrade
- Rules clarification: Terminal Network in 4 player Skirmish games
The podcast on iTunes:
Visit us on Facebook:
Discord Server: Channel:
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Podcast #20 – Miracle Host
- New FAQ!
- New Tournament rules!
- FFG Article – Rules changes and errata
- FFG Article – Smuggling for the Cause
- FFG Article – Into the Jundtland Wastes
- Return to Hoth Hero – MHD-19
- Online Campaign Mission 7 on Youtube
- Online Campaign Mission 8 on Youtube
- – Imperial campaign strategy
- New Podcast: Vaders Finest
- Rules clarification: modifications and traits
- Rules clarification: Not being able to place a figure moving after Disengage
- Winner of the meme contest
The podcast on iTunes:
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Playing the campaign on
I am usually a bit late when giving out presents, but most of the time they are a different to what you usually find under the tree. For our listeners, viewers and followers I prepared something special this year.
Core Box and Wave 1 digital assets
You can use these assets to play the Core Box campaign (including Wave 1 additions) on Setting it up still requires a bit of trickery, but if you are familiar with the site, you can grab the .zip file and start right away. Of course you still need the campaign guide included in the game to set up and play the actual missions.
If you are unfamiliar with, we still got you covered. Over the next few weeks I will guide you through using the site to set up missions, players, decks, dice, everything. So stay tuned for that.
Happy new year and have an awesome 2016!
Podcast #19 – Maurading Mercenary
- FFG Worlds Imperial Assault finals up on youtube
- Return to Hoth SHIPPING NOW!!!
- Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens now in cinemas!
- FFG Article – The Rebel Diplomat
- FFG Article – Armored Assault
- FFG Article – Defend Echo Base
- FFG Article – Dengar
- Online campaign mission #6
- Play experiences
- Long article with in-depth Rebel strategy tips
- Rules clarification: Parting Shot and Final Blast
- Rules clarification: Skirmish Upgrade cards and VPs
- Enter the Meme content until the 31st of December 2015!
The podcast on iTunes:
Visit us on Facebook: Channel:
Or write us an email: // Twitter:
Podcast #18 – Herwig Hawking
- Meme contest update! Click here to get to the gallery
- Wave 1 Buyers Guide on
- Twin Shadows comic on BGG
- FFG Article – Brave the Cold
- Rules clarification: Hired Guns and suicide
The podcast on iTunes:
Visit us on Facebook: Channel:
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Buyers Guide for all Wave 1 Packs now availabe!

Trandoshan Hunters painted and photographed by Matthew of
It’s been almost a year since the release of the core box and a question still posted quite frequently on Reddit, Boardgamegeek and the FFG forums is:
Which expansion should I buy after purchasing the core box?
Of course people chime in all of the time and most answers are helpful. But what really lacked so far is a comprehensive guide to which packs offer what for either the campaign or the skirmish game mode.
So we just decided to create one. When you click the link on the menu bar titled “Imperial Assault Expansion Pack Buyers Guide” or just click it here, you will find a list of all the currently available Ally and Villain packs. Today we finished creating short reviews for all of the Packs in Wave 1. So if you are one of the players who just recently bought the game, head on over to the guide and look up all of the packs to see what best to spend your money on.
We plan to extend the guide to Wave 2 and Wave 3 in the next few weeks, so you can maybe even adjust your holiday shopping based on the information in the guide. Until then, have fun reading the Wave 1 reviews and leave feedback either in the comments or on
Podcast #17 – Into the Cold
- Constructive criticism about card discussion at the FFG boards
- FFG Article – The Killing Cold
- The rerolling ability of the HK droids: Who get’s to reroll first in Skirmish?
- Hendrik&Antonia: Skirmish, Twin Shadows Campaign
- Jeppe: finished second campaign
- Rules clarification: Bleed and double special actions – Thread on FFG boards
- Rules clarification: Terminal Network and Data Heist
- New contest: create a meme for Imperial Assault! Send it to
- November 29th Amsterdam Tournament
- November 14th Leiden Tafelridder Tournament
The podcast on iTunes:
Visit us on Facebook: Channel:
Or write us an email: // Twitter:
Podcast #16 – Scrambled Communication
- Kayn Somos Squad Command also works if he doesn’t deal damage! Thanks to David C.
- Challenge Coins via Michael J. on Facebook
- Vassal v3.1 supporting Wave 3 is released
- FFG Article – A New Mission Objective – New FAQ and Skirmish Map pool
- FFG Worlds will be happening soon
- FFG Flight Crew discussion
- Wave 3 – Hired Guns card discussion
- Wave 3 – Stormtrooper card discussion
- Wave 3 – Wookie Warror card discussion
- Campaign play experiences of Stephan and Jeppe
- November 29th Amsterdam Tournament
- November 14th Leiden Tafelridder Tournament
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer
- Contest winner of Kayn Somos
- New contest: win the R2-D2 and C-3PO ally pack
The podcast on iTunes:
Visit us on Facebook: Channel:
Or write us an email: // Twitter:
Podcast #15 – Weakened
- New co-host: Marten
- Hired Guns article on the FFG site
- 2016 Imperial Assault Skirmish Store Championships article on the FFG site
- Winter 2015 Tournament Kits article on the FFG site
- Campaign/Skirmish play experiences
- Star Wars: Battlefront public beta – Marten’s review
- Star Wars: Uprising mobile game – Jeppe’s review
- Star Wars Marvel comics
- Wave 2 card discussion
- Rules clarification: Drawn In and Fire in the Sky “departing” as victory condition
- Kayn Somos Villain Pack contest – like and share the Facebook post of Episode #15 to enter
The podcast on iTunes:
Visit us on Facebook: Channel:
Or write us an email: // Twitter:
Podcast #14 – Only 50 Euro
- New co-hosts Jeppe and Rafael
- Pre-Essen talk
- Wave 3 packs are shipping, get your Wookies, Stormtroopers and Hired Guns soon!
- Vader’s Fist article on the FFG site
- Infiltrate, Subdue, Triumph article on the FFG site
- Campaign play experiences (Twin Shadows and Core Box)
- Austria Regionals this Saturday – Stephan will be there
- RedJak’s Imperial AI – RAIV on Boardgamegeeks
- RedJak’s Automated Emperor – RAEV on Boardgamegeeks
- Mission Review: Core Box – Under Siege
- Mission Review: Twin Shadows – Shady Dealings
- Star Soundboard
- Imperial Assault Netherlands on Facebook
- Rules clarification blunder by Stephan (he got what he deserved for not properly preparing ^^)
The podcast on iTunes:
Visit us on Facebook: Channel:
Or write us an email: // Twitter:
Podcast #13 – Kobayashi A new Threat
- Want to join the show or our online campaign? Send us an e-mail to
- Fury of Kashyyyk article on the FFG site
- Twin Shadows Mission 1: Hunted Down
- Pictures of Hunted Down on Facebook
- Core Box Story Mission 2: A new Threat
- A new Threat video on Youtube
- Stephan’s first Skirmish tournament at Siren Games in Vienna
- Pictures of the Skirmish tournament
- Star Wars – Aftermath thoughts
- R2D2 All Nippon Airways plane
- Innate blocks and evades: Power Creep?
- Field General and Lead by example rules clarification
- Saska Teft Gadgeteer rules clarification
- Contest: Like and share the Facebook post for your chance to win alternate art Elite Trandoshan Hunters and an Imperial Assault dice bag.
The podcast on iTunes:
Visit us on Facebook: Channel:
Or write us an email: // Twitter:
Podcast #12 – Jar Jar Binks is a Fool
- Interview with Paul Winchester, lead developer of Imperial Assault!
- Twin Shadows is released (though still on the way to Europe)
- Feldherr Core Box inserts review
- Discussion: Online Campaign – Mission #1 Aftermath
- Discussion: Online Campaign – Mission #2 High Moon
- Core box: favorite cards/skills/units
- Rules clarification: Provoke prevents players from passing in Skirmish
The podcast on iTunes:
Visit us on Facebook: Channel:
Or write us an email: // Twitter:
Core Box Campaign online
With the next Podcast episode being posponed to next week, I figured I update you on something else. I finally finished putting everything together for us to start our first online campaign. We played our first mission last week and it was rather successful. Everything worked and we even livestreamed it. If you missed it, you can watch the re-upload on Youtube of course.
We will continue with the 2nd mission today. If everything works out fine, we might even have a guest player. But more on that during the livestream. If you are not from central Europe, here is a fancy little countdown for you:
Podcast #11 – Hot and Cold
- 100 likes on Facebook!
- Twin Shadows is shipping per the FFG Upcoming Products Page
- FFG Inflight Report on youtube
- Return to Hoth article @FFG
- Picture of the back of the Hoth box
- Leaders and Assassins Wave 5 article @FFG
- Subscribe to our Twitch channel and Youtube channel to see our campaign videos soon
- Send your questions to Paul Winchester to
- All Twin Shadows cards and tiles spoiled @FFG boards
- Twin Shadows only has 2 Heavy Stormtrooper and 2 Tusken Raider deployment cards ->Not enough?
- C-3PO and Han Solo synergy
- Rules clarification: Opression vs. Cunning … in what order does it trigger?
- Bonus Rules question: How does Weaken and Cunning interact
The podcast on iTunes:
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Allies, Strain and Side Mission Deck meta gaming
Having completed our 2nd campaign recently, I spoke to the other (Rebel) players about motivation and their general feelings throughout the campaign. One major thought was that the Subversive Tactics deck is not as fun to play against as it robs you of your awesome stuff. Also they were noticing a snowball effect which grew to be a bit distracting towards the end of the campaign. I have thoughts about that too, but today I want to write about their 3rd complaint: Allies and Ally Side Missions.

Luke painted and photographed by Matthew of
They managed to recruit Luke in their first campaign. But when learning about how taking him on a mission gives the Imperial Player additional Threat to work with, they sometimes were hesitant to bring him. Additionally, since you can only ever bring one Ally, they skipped all other Ally Missions for the remainder of the campaign.
For the 2nd campaign it was the other way around. After one red and one grey Side Mission, they were then swamped with green Side Missions until the end of the campaign. Even though they only played green Side Missions from then on, they didn’t win a single ally because of how strong Subversive Tactics is against Allies. They all were pretty disappointed in that they didn’t manage to get any special rewards for 3 of the 5 Side Missions as well as that they only got to chose from green Side Missions, knowing that they will be extra hard.
So I identified a few issues that I would try to tackle to improve player experience with the Side Mission Deck:
- Winning Allies should be easier if bringing Allies already buffs the starting Threat of the Imperial Player
- Each subsequent Ally Side Mission is worth less then the previous one.
- Player customization of the Side Mission Deck is very weak and feels too random.
- Increasing Rebel control over the Side Mission Deck calls for increased Imperial control over the Side Mission Deck
Also I didn’t want to upset the balance of the game too much, I just want to give the Rebel Players more control over their fate. I started with the issue of recruting Allies. To ensure the Rebels have a high chance of winning an Ally, I just award them automatically under the extended rules.
Mission Stage
Green Side Missions automatically award the respective Ally. If the Rebels win the Green Side Mission, they receive 1XP and 100 Credits per player and the Imperial player recieves 1XP and 1 Influence. If the Imperial Player wins the Green Side Mission the Rebels do not receive rewards (aside from Credits through crates collected) and the Imperial Player receives 1XP and 3 Influence.
I am unsure about the 3 Influence award if the Imperial Player wins the mission. 2 Influence might be enough. This is one for playtesting. Now this change makes green Side Missions much more rewarding for the Rebels right off the bat. If they lose the mission, they still get to keep the Ally. And if they win, they also get XP and credits. Still, if they get subsequent green Side Missions, they gain less than they lose, so I had to change how Side Missions are selected for the Side Mission Deck at the start of the campaign.
Campaign Setup
Heroes chose 2-4 green Side Mission cards to add to the Side Mission Deck.
This enables the Rebels to customize the Side Mission Deck much more. But this is only half of the story. Why not give the Rebels even more control over what side Missions are added to the Deck? So I arrived at this:
Campaign Setup
Changes to step 5):
Heroes chose 2-4 red Side Mission cards to add to the Side Mission Deck.
Heroes chose 2-4 green Side Mission cards to add to the Side Mission Deck.
Heroes chose a number between 2-7. Randomly add that amount of grey Side Mission cards to the Side Mission Deck.
This results in a final Side Mission Deck size of 6-15 cards.
Shuffle the Side Mission Deck.
The numbers for the grey Side Missions assume that the group has access to at least the Han Solo and Chewbacca Ally Packs. Though I feel this should work just as well without them if you reduce the maximum number of grey Side Missions. If the Rebel Players want, they can decrease their chance of encountering a green Side Mission significantly. They can also increase it. And this goes for all types of Side Missions. It’s hitting 2 birds with one stone. Still, if the Rebels can optimize which Side Missions come off the deck, they are in a better position to handle the missions. The Imperial Player needs some way to counteract that.
This brings me to the last major change I introduced with these extended rules. Since the Imperial Player has no way in the default rules to interact with the Side Mission Deck, I had to create one. What if we let him add Agenda and Forced Missions to the Side Mission deck after he bought them? He could dilute the Side Mission deck, but he would pay a steep price. So why not let the Imperial Player buy Agenda and Forced Missions at a discount and then shuffle them into the Side Mission Deck? He risks never seeing them again, but he also saved some Influence if he does. After a bit of tinkering I arrived at
Imperial Upgrade Stage
The Imperial Player can purchase Forced and Agenda Side Missions for 2 less Influence but at a minimum of 1 influence. If a Forced or Agenda Side Mission is purchased that way, put the Forced Mission into the Side Mission Deck and shuffle the Side Mission Deck.
Of course you need card sleeves that are intransparent on the back to make this works since Agenda and Forced Side Missions have a different card back than the regular Side Missions. And since we don’t want the Imperial Player to flood the Side Mission Deck we punish him for doing so
Mission Stage
If a Forced Mission or an Agenda Side Mission is drawn from the Side Mission Deck, immediately draw and reveal another Side Mission card until a regular Side Mission is drawn. Discard all but the first Forced/Agenda Mission. Forced Missions and Agenda Side Missions are resolved normally.
I expect this to create a much more dynamic struggle over the control of the Side Mission Deck. I also added a few more minor tweaks (mostly just changing up sequences) to fit with the new rules. You can read the full document here:
Houserules for the Imperial Assault: Core Box & Wave 1 Campaign on Google Drive
Let me know what you think about the changes and if there are some glaring issues I simply overlooked. I am currently working on a system to counteract the Snowball effect too, so expect another article about that soon.
Podcast #10 – Singing Heroes of GENCON
- Unsung Heroes – Wave 2 spoiler article on FFG
- New Orders from High Command – FAQ and tournament rules update on FFG
- Updated Tournament rules for Skirmish play
- Updated FAQ
- on
- on Youtube
- Boardwars live Skirmish #1 – Stephan vs. Hendrik
- Team Covenant IA Skirmish Tulsa Regionals Finals
- We have an interview with Paul Winchester, one of the developers of Imperial Assault. Send us your questions to
- Team Covenant on Twitter
- on Twitter
- Twin Shadows deployment cards via Team Covenant
- Boba Fett Villain Pack cards via Team Covenant
- R2-D2 and C-3PO Ally Pack cards via Team Covenant
- Kayn Somos Villain Pack cards via Team Covenant
The podcast on iTunes:
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