Podcast #39 – Allegations of a Cold
- FFG Article – Crime Lord
- Jabba’s Palace is now shipping!
- IA Designer leaving FFG?
- Tabletop Admiral – Imperial Assault list builder – Reddit post – FFG Forums thread
- Regionals Report from Australia
- Stele Open 2017
- Jodocast #44 – Interview with Paul and Todd
- Wave 7 figure campaign
- Rogue One spoiler free discussion
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
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Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast #38 – Flame Resistant Dewback
- FFG Article – Worlds 2016 Statistics
- FFG Article – 2017 Euro Championship
- FFG Article – Undercover Ops
- FFG Article – Imperial Enforcers
- Game Discussion – Build a cheap beginner list
- FFG Forum Post – The Galyxy’s Fate in my Hand #2
- Kenny’s Worlds post-mortem
- Pasi’s Ability Order list
- Farewell Hans Hoekstra
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast – Worlds 2016 Special
In this special episode Jeppe, Christian and Alistair guide you through the FFG Worlds 2016 and the Imperial Assault Skirmish tournament there.
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
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Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast #37 – Whining Farmboy
- FFG Article – Command, Inspire, and Rebel
- FFG Article – I am a Jedi
- FFG Article – One Shot, One Kill
- Game Discussion: The dodge symbol
- FFG Forum Post – The Galyxy’s Fate in my Hand
- FFG Forum Post – DerBaer’s Skirmish video compilation
- Rumors of figures giving figure cost -> VP instantly after defeat
To register for the tournament, send an email to podcast@boardwars.eu with the subject “Boardwars Winter Tournament Registration”. It needs to include:
- Real Name
- Email Address used for communication with tournament administration
- Country of residence during the tournament
- Discord username – can be sent until 48 hours before tournament start
- Army list – can be sent until 48 hours before tournament start
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
The X-Files

HK Assassin Droid painted and photographed by Matthew of www.oldenhammer.com
It’s been a few weeks now since Jodocast.com released their article X-Happens. If you haven’t read it, stop now and read it before continuing here. This piece is a direct response to some of the thoughts and arguments brought forth by Joe.
Just to get you up to speed, in Imperial Assault the white die features one face with this cute little X symbol. As per rules, its effect is:
This result causes the entire attack to miss (the target suffers zero damage).
More specifically, a miss not only causes 0 damage, it also prevents the attacker from applying any conditions as result of this attack, wether they be positive or negative. So overall, this result effectively cancels the attack in its entirety. The origins of this mechanic are firmly rooted in the classic RPG game systems and most notable Dungeons & Dragons. Now the first question is … why? Why does this exist? Joe in his article already nails it:
One of the most amazing properties of the Dodge result in Imperial Assault is that out of everything in the game, it seems to be the source of the most extreme emotions felt by players on both ends of the spectrum. Nothing else in the game can quite make you feel the broad range of emotions as the Dodge.
The dodge result is in the game to make you feel something, good or bad. Increasing the emotions you feel when playing the game creates stronger and longer lasting memories, which is a good thing. Or is it?
All well in X-Land?
I don’t think it is. Or more precisely: I don’t think it’s good in skirmish. The thing about Imperial Assault is that it is split into a story driven part (the campaigns) and a very competitive part where you directly compete against other players. These 2 modes of play have pretty different goals of how they engage the players. Let’s look at the 2 parts more closely.
The campaign is typically played by 3-5 players. One of which is controlling the forces of the empire, while the others each play a rebel hero. In the core box alone, of the 19 imperial deployment cards only 5 have a white die for defense. That is of course including the mercenary cards. On the other hand, of the 6 rebel heroes, 3 of them and all 5 allies defend with a white die. It’s immediately apparent that the rebel faction has a wider selection of characters that use the white die, while the empire mostly has to resort to black dice for defense. This creates a theme where the empire is more sturdy and the rebels are more nimble. Also it tilts the “luck” in favor of the rebels creating moments where heroes survive just barely and creating long lasting memories. A match made in heaven.
The X-Factor
However, in skirmish the story is different. There the gameplay is more symmetric with both players having access to the same tools and mechanics. Well not exactly. Players running rebel lists still have wider access to white defense dice both for trooper and signature units. Again, this a thematic home run, but does create some problems in actually resolving conflicts in skirmish. Where previously the majority of players benefited from that memory building flukes, now it’s only one of two players. More importantly, regardless if the dodge gets rolled or not, one of the players will feel exceptionally bad. Either the roll cancels a full attack, or the defender relies on the dodge to come up only to be disappointed.
This is bad for statistics. The dodge result is still very powerful but random rolls require that some games seem heavily tilted because of how often or seldom the result actually shows up. However, the really bad thing about it is that it takes away agency of the players. In competitive games, giving players ways to react or mitigate their opponents is creating exciting play experiences. Decisions are made. Combos happen. With the dodge result, this all goes away because of how all-encompassing its effect is. This is a bad way of making you feel something. There is nothing you can do about the dodge … or can you?
The developers of the game must have been caught on to this problem. There are a number of ways now to mitigate the effects of the dodge and most of them are indeed exclusive to skirmish or heavily geared towards it. It all started almost a year ago with the HK Assassin Droids. Their ability to re-roll dice cuts the likelyhood of a dodge result cancelling the attack from 1/6 to 1/36. Though … it didn’t really start with them. The core box already had the command card Lock On, which enables you to outright remove the dodge result. But especially since Return to Hoth, there has been a wealth of tools to get rid of that pesky little X.
That cuts right into the next problem. There seems to be fragile agreement that the dodge needs to be downsized in skirmish. However, most recent tools focus on outright removing the result after all dice have been rerolled. The most recent example is the Grand Inquisitor. As long as he rolls a surge, the dodge result harms you more than it helps you. Granted, some figures come with an automatic evade which cancels one surge, but the Grand Inquisitor has a very high chance to roll 2 or even more surges anyway. This is just one example to illustrate that the white die is getting weakened to a degree where it is a liability.
It is the Future I see
Over time this would lead to the rebel faction being at a distinct disadvantage. Already bringing Rebel Troopers to skirmish seems like a fools errand. So how to solve this conundrum? Releasing fewer figures with a white die for defense? Issuing more tools to remove the result? I think both would be bad for the game. The best solution is probably one that the designers hesitate to consider. The effect of the dodge result should be fundamentally changed. While brainstorming during our meetup in Essen a few weeks ago I had some ideas. None of them will end up in the game, but they are fun to think about. The first is just changing the effect from outright cancelling the damage to just have it add 3 block and 1 evade to the results. But that is boring.
A much better idea would be to have it add 2 block and 1 evade and then have the defender reroll the die and add any results to the total. This would make the result much less of a feel bad event and more something you can still overcome. Figures with high damage potential still could reliably attack figures with white defense dice and get something done. It also would make the white die much more mechanically interesting as it now has a bigger potential to cancel surge results. And effects that would previously cancel the dodge result would just cancel the reroll.
What do YOU think about this? Are you certain this is just an imaginary problem? Do you also think there should be something done to the X-man? Let us know on twitter @BoardwarsEU or Facebook.
And thanks to the listeners hanging out on our discord server for the proof reading!
Podcast #36 – Trade Fair Fever
- FFG Article – It’s the Future You See
- FFG Article – Savage
- FFG Article – As You Wish
- FFG Article – Inside the Palace
- FFG Article – High Stakes Gamble
- FFG Article – October 2016 rules update
- Jodocast Article – X Happens
- Monday Night IA twitch campaign
- Bespin Gambit written review on Kotaku
- Hero tier list at the official forums
Special thanks to Alistairs sponsors for sending him to FFG Worlds:
- Kirton Games – Check out their Imperial Assault Tournament!
- Big Orbit Games
- WarBoar
- ProTech Models
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast #35 – Aqualish Bowling Ball
- FFG Article – You will pay for your lack of vision
- FFG Article – A Step Above Scum
- FFG – Games Workshop divorce
- Bespin Gambit – Blaise
- Bespin Gambit – Davith
- Bespin Gambit – Murne
- Bespin Gambit – Unshakable
- Bespin Gambit – Command Cards
- German Nationals report with Locu
- Rebel Assault – IA on an epic scale
- Bounty hunter homebrew
- Kris from DiceHate plays a game during the NOVA Open on Youtube
- Jodocast article on the Dodge in IA
- Jodocast Skirmish Video: Prison Break
- TFA custom deployment groups on reddit/imgur
- Rules clarification – Campaign mission Incoming: Rubble can’t be spawned inside the map
- Contest winner!
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast #34 – Jabba Jetpack
- FFG Article – Jabba’s Realm
- FFG Article – The Battle for Tatooine
- FFG Article – The Electronic Side of Boardgaming
- Johnatahn Ying core box houserule via reddit
- VASSAL Skirmish updated for Wave 7
- Weapons guide @ FFG boards
- KOTOR custom campaign @BGG
- Cryodex for running IA tournaments
- Rules clarification: Junk Droid readying
- Rules clarification: Slow on the Draw timing
- Rules clarification: Skirmish Upgrades across factions
- Rules clarification: Murne and Waylay – again?
- Rules clarification: Compainions and terminal control
- Rules clarification: Cancelling command cards and playing them again
- Rules clarification: Channel the Force during setup of the game
- Rules clarification: Accuracy to attack a compaion
- Contest: Rate our podcast on iTunes, send in a screenshot and win a random figure packs from this pool: Ally and Villain Packs you can win
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Special Podcast – Interview with Paul and Todd of FFG
Stephan and Jeppe interview Paul Winchester and Todd Michlitsch about all things Imperial Assault.
Topics included:
- Personal questions
- General questions about Imperial Assault
- Campaign specific questions
- Skirmish specific questions
- Freeform questions
Thanks to all listeners and users who provided questions via Facebook or Reddit!
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast #33 – NOT Gencon
- FFG Article – A Hard Earned Bounty
- Bespin Gambit – Companions
- Bespin Gambit – Agenda Cards
- Bespin Gambit – Reward Cards
- Bespin Gambit – Rebel Upgrades
- Bespin Gambit – Supply Cards
- User created campaign over on BGG
- General Buyers Guide over at theboardgamereviewer.com
- New Skirmish Youtube channel
- Skirmish Tournament list video @DiceHate
- VASSAL Campaign module updated with Wave 7 – Version 1.7
- Rules clarification: New FAQ 2.2
- Rules clarification: Blaise Activate Agent – You can also reinforce during that
- Rules clarification: Reclassified – You can pick up clues while an imperial unit stands on them
- Rules clarification: Jeppe’s 5 questions to Paul
- Contest winner!
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast #32 – The new Hoth thing to do
- FFG Article – Gun for Hire
- FFG Article – Guardian of Peace and Justice
- FFG Article – 2016 July Rules Update
- FFG Article – Due Rewards
- FFG Article – Expand your Battlefield
- http://avpacks.boardwars.eu to get to the Ally & Villain Pack reviews
- UK Regionals with Alastair
- Dice Hate Youtube channel – IA news/reviews
- Worlds 2016 registration issues?
- Jyn Erso contest! Win Bespin Gambit + ISB Infiltrators
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast #31 – Stealing Hearts and Cards
- FFG Article – Hunted by the Empire
- Vassal Campaign module updated with Bespin and Wave 6 – RAIV support incoming
- Bespin Gambit – Deployment Cards
- Bespin Combat Scenery on FFG Boards
- Timing of abilities in the campaign by Pasi
- Return to Hoth Comic Issue #2
- Return to Hoth Comic Issue #3
- Rules clarification: Adding Symbols and Accuracy
- Rules clarification: Both effects of Waylay can be used after False Orders
- Rules clarification: Lead from the Front and Activation Tokens
- Rules clarification: False Orders and Recon Tokens
- Rules clarification: Junk Droids are not members of the Tinkerer group
- Contest: Win a Bespin Gambit box plus an Agent Blaise Villain Pack
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast #30 – Sidemouthed
- FFG Article – 2016 World Championships Registration Primer
- VASSAL Skirmish has been updated with Bespin and Wave 6
- Wave 4 is available in Germany/Austria
- All Wave 6 reviews up on boardwars.eu
- cards.boardwars.eu launched!
- Bespin Gambit – Rebel Hero: Davith Elso
- Bespin Gambit – Rebel Hero: Murne Rin
- List of helpful Imperial Assault links
- Return to Hoth comic
- Rules clarification: Reinforcements … AGAIN?
- Rules clarification: Holocams in the first Bespin Mission
- Rules clarification: Companion activation directly after spawn?
- Rules clarification: Massive unit deployment
- Rules clarification: Strain recovery from Surge is immediate!
- Rules clarification: Nelvaanian Warzone droid activation
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast #29 – Time Machine
- FFG Article – Set Your Price
- FFG Article – A Ruthless Interrogator
- FFG Article – Infiltrate the Alliance
- FFG Article – The Hunter Strikes
- FFG Article – The Knight, The Hunter, and the Inquisitor
- Wave 7 already at the printer!
- Bespin Gambit – Imperial Class: Imperial Black Ops
- IA online poll
- IA online poll results
- FFG Article – Fly Casual
- OKBoardgame.com – The Flow of the Game
- Skirmish Map Puzzle Guide by “thereisnotry”
- Rules clarification: Slow to Draw 2nd attack deals no damage?
- Rules clarification: DTDanix from FFG forum
- Rules clarification: Lifey from the FFG forum
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast #28 – Gideon and Murne equals Gurne
- The Bespin Gambit is ON THE BOAT!
- FFG Article – Undercover on Bespin
- FFG Article – Card Player, Gambler, Scoundrel
- OkBoardgame.com Skirmish 101 article
- The IA Team – new Youtube Podcast out of the UK!
- Mandalorian Tactics #3 – Undercover on Bespin
- Rules clarification: Discard Focus even after a declared attack got cancelled?
- Rules clarification: Activating Foresight even if the dice was already rolled?
- Rules clarification: Parting Shot and Stun clarified by Paul
- Rules clarification: Massive figures and interrupts during movement
- Rules clarification: Attribute test dice can be rerolled more than once!
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast #27 – Painting Troll
- FFG Article – Intentional Draws
- Adepticon Bespin Gaming & Wave 6 model pictures
- Return to Hoth – Agenda Cards
- Return to Hoth – Rebel Upgrade Cards
- Return to Hoth – Imperial Deployment Cards
- Return to Hoth – Mercenary Deployment Cards
- Have a great discussion topic -> sent to podcast@boardwars.eu
- Vassal Campaign Plugin
- IA charactes in 8 bit style
- cards.boardwars.eu and Discord Card2-D2 bot on discord.me/bweu
- International Tabletop Day
- Wednesday is May the 4th!
- Rules clarification: Stun to prevent Parting Shot of the Hired Guns
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast #26 – Monkey Recording
- Rogue One trailer
- Wave 4 reviews on Boardwars.eu
- Star Wars Rebellion is here!
- Return to Hoth – Boon, Bane and Reward cards
- Vassal Tournament talk
- Offline campaigns
- RtH online campaign mission 1
- Star Wars: Rebellion first impressions
- Mandaloran Tactics Skirmish Podcast
- Mak hero guide at theboardgamereviewer.com
- Gaarkahn hero guid at the boardgamereviewer.com
- Gideon hero guide at the boardgamereviewer.com
- Oldenhammer modded Vader charity drive for Unicef
- Vassal Tournament standings
- Intentional Draw rules under fire
- Rules clarification: Heavy Armor timing – finally clarified
- Rules clarification: Verena: Point Blank Shot during Close Quarters?
- Rules clarification: Diala force adept … reroll a defense die?
- Rules clarification: Recovering Strain with Surges timing
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast #25 – Bitchy But Good
- FFG Article – Mission Spoils
- TS and Wave 2 are finally available in German!
- Return to Hoth Hero – Verena Talos
- Return to Hoth Hero – Verena Talos skills
- Store Championship at Roskothen in Duisburg feat. Bratwurst
- Online Campaign #1 finals
- Vader’s Finest Episode about Bespin Gambit
- Return to Hoth online campaign starts soon!
- Skirmish online Tournament update
- Rules clarification: Heavy Armor timing (tbc)
- Rules clarification: Forced Missions in the campaign
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast #24 – Sauerkraut Icecreme
- 1 Year Boardwars.eu!
- Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
- FFG Article – The Bespin Gambit
- FFG Article – Shadow War
- Enhance Wave 6 Details on the FFG boards
- FFG Article – 2016 March Rules Update
- Imperial Assault FAQ 2.1.1
- FFG Article – The Next Step in Organized Play 2017
- FFG Article – Road to Legend
- Patreon Goals and Rewards for supporters
- Vote on the remaining 2 Rebel Heroes for the next online campaign
- Vote on the imperial class deck for the next online campaign on Patreon.com/bweu
- Skirmish 101 by Weekend Warlords
- Skirmish List archetypes on the FFG boards
- Vader’s Finest new episode about the meta
- Rules clarification: Order of applying Blast Damage, important e.g. for Hired Guns
- Rules clarification: Timing Windows and limits on playing identical command cards
- Boardwars.eu history
- Boardwars.eu hosts background feat. sauerkraut icecreme and botox
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Support us on Patreon.com/bweu
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Podcast #23 – Boring but Efficient
- 10.000 downloads on the podcast! THANK YOU!
- FFG Article – Smugglers and Raiders
- Return to Hoth Imp Class – Precision Training
- Skirmish play experiences against Martin Hoffmann
- VASSAL Tournament starting soon!
- VASSAL How To video on Youtube
- Weekly Skirmish card discussion on the FFG Boards
- The IA Team – Youtube Skirmish Podcast
- Vader’s Finest new episodes! Listen in!
- Imperial Propaganda – Campaign in Organized Play
- Rules clarification: R2-D2, Terminal Network and defeat
- Rules clarification: Loku’s “Study of Enemnies”
The podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boardwars.eu/id986252613
Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boardwars.eu
Discord Server: http://discord.me/bweu
Twitch.tv Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/boardwarseu
Or write us an email: podcast@boardwars.eu
Boardwars.eu Twitter: https://twitter.com/BoardwarsEU